Friday, December 12, 2014

Iliad book 22

Reappear the event in Iliad, book 22

1. Introduction 
Troy was situated in northwest Anatolia in what is now Turkey, located south of the southwest end of the Dardanelles and northwest of Mount Ida at Hisaronu. In the Iliad, the Achaeans set up their camp near the mouth of the River Scamander, where they had beached their ships. The city of Troy itself stood on a hill, across the plain of Scamander, where the battles of the Trojan War took place.
Achilles -  The son of the military man Peleus and the sea-nymph Thetis. The most powerful warrior in The Iliad, Achilles commands the Myrmidons, soldiers from his homeland of Phthia in Greece. He is proud, headstrong and irritable. He is the winner of the battle between Hector and him.

Hector -  A son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba, Hector is the mightiest warrior in the Trojan army. He is devoted to his wife, Andromache and son, but his brother Paris for bringing war upon their family and city. He loses in the battle with Achillers and dies.

2. Beginning

Hector now stands as the only Trojan left outside Troy. Priam, his father, overlooking the battlefield from the Trojan ramparts, begs him to come inside. His mother also begs him and cried. But Hector is overconfident and feels too ashamed to retreat. When Achilles finally returns from chasing Apollo who disguised as Agenor, Hector confronts him. At first, the Hector want to confront Achilles, but he soon is feared of Achilles. He realizes the hopelessness of win and flees. He runs around the city three times, with Achilles follows him closely. Zeus considers saving Hector, but Athena persuades him that the mortal’s time has come. Zeus places Hector’s and Achilles’ respective fates on a golden scale, and, indeed, Hector’s sinks to the ground.

View --- Hector's refusal to return to the safety of Troy’s walls. His desperate attempt because of honor in battle reveals his ingrained sense of personal dignity. His attempt to beg to Achilles that the winner treat the loser’s corpse with respect reflects his decency. Finally, his last stab at glory by charging Achilles even after he knows that the gods have abandoned him and that his death is imminent makes his heroism and courage obvious. 

3. Achilles VS. Hector
During Hector’s fourth circle around the city walls, Athena appears before him, disguised as his brother Deiphobus, and convinces him that if they work together they can take Achilles. Hector stops running and turns to face his opponent. He and Achilles throws spear to each other, but neither scores a hit. Hector turns to Deiphobus to ask him for a lance but he finds his friend gone, he realizes that the gods have betrayed him. In a desperate mind for glory, he charges Achilles. However, he still wears Achilles’ old armor which stolen from Patroclus’s dead body, and Achilles knows the armor’s weak points. Athena helps Achilles to take back his spear. At a perfectly time, Achilles thrusts his spear through Hector’s throat. Near death, Hector begs Achilles to return his body to the Trojans for burial, but Achilles rejects and let the dogs and scavenger birds harm the Trojan hero.

View--- In this battle,  the God join the human battle. God control human fate by their will, make human  win, lose, die and alive. Because of this, human have no right to change their lives. This is unfair. 

4. After the battle

The other Achaeans gather round and stab Hector’s corpse with sword. Achilles ties Hector’s body to the back of his chariot and drags it through the dirt. Meanwhile, King Priam and Queen Hecuba witness the devastation of their son’s body and wail with grief on the city wall. Hector's wife, Andromache hears noise from her palace and runs outside. When she sees her husband’s corpse being dragged through the dirt, she weeps and faints because of great grief and shock.

View--- The final duel between Achilles and Hector becomes not only a duel of heroes but also of heroic values. While Achilles is superior to Hector in terms of strength and endurance, his mistreatment of Hector’s body is a disgrace. 

5. Video of the important scene

Through this video, we can see the battle's scene in details.

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